Saturday, April 7, 2007

and the dead shall awaken....

Near midnight when morning arises to claim another soul.

Time dances through the shadows till the dew is scratchy dry.

Looking into the kaleidoscope of ever changing patterns of history.

There is only one love. Only one. So full, so complete, so glowing.

The love of the mother. The father. The child so cherished.

Exhaling to encompass the universe with all the graditude grace contains.

Inhaling another moment to cherish the bliss of the perspective.

Beautiful pure perfect love to the left of us,
Beautiful pure perfect love to the right of us,
Beautiful pure perfect love before us,
Beautiful pure perfect love behind us,
Beautiful pure perfect love above us,
Beautiful pure perfect love below us,

We are rasa dancing.

Exhaling fully, totally and completely
Infinite and eternal blessings.

Naked i am. Naked we be.

So empty of power. So empty of pride.

The beauty of it all filling the smallest of details.

The groove on a thumb print. The tiny floater on the eye.

The treasure of the heart of reality fills the stomach.

The treasure of the heart of oneself fills the intuition.

The treasure of the heart of the universe laughs and laughs.

"May you be blessed a million times over, throughout eternity
and walk your soul's purpose with love."